
Gabriel Marin

Read Html inside terminal

This can be done by using curl and pandoc. The command looks like this: curl <url> | pandoc -f html -t plain | less After that you can go up and down with j and k keys. With this command you can read directly in the terminal. If you want to store the information in a text file, you could use this command: curl <url> | pandoc -f html -t plain > file.

Hand position when writing

After a lot of typing my wrist started to hurt. So I done some research and found out that the best way to have you hand when typing is without resting your palms on you keyboard, basically keep your elbows up like a piano player…because in the long run can cause fatigue and also other wrist problems. After testing this method I am quite happy with the result and I will try to implement it more and more 😃.

First post

Hugo is a great minimalistic tool for generating static websites. It took me one day to get a hang of it and be able to generate and publish my own website. Also the fact that there are a lot of themes at your fingertips is great, because you can also switch your aspect of your site without much effort.